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Photoshoots > 2012 > Nylon

“Personality opens doors, but character keeps them open.”

Lily Collins isn’t that famous yet, but the London-to-LA transplant is about to become a very recognizable face, thanks to her starring role as Snow White in Mirror Mirror. (Fun fact: She also auditioned for the other Snow White flick which stars Kristen Stewart!)

Luke Crisell met up with Collins at her grandmother’s old apartment in Beverly Hills – they later went to a flea market and a gay bar full of singing drag queens (Lily’s choice, by the way), to talk about what’s next.

On having Phil Collins as a father. Obviously , I grew up seeing the pros and cons of the business with my dad, but he was really passionate about what he does, and you can’t stop doing what you’re passionate about because someone is photographing you… A lot of people’s perception is that I don’t have to work my way to get in a room because someone’s always interested in the last name, but I always say that personality opens doors, but character keeps them open. Everyone can have something special to get them in, but once you’re in, it’s sort of like, “Okay, so?”

On her first modeling job. I was on a plane coming back from New York and Tommy Hilfiger was on the same flight. We got to talking about before the flight had taken off he had already called his fashion show producer and put me in the show for the next day… I’m shorter than the other girls, obviously, but I was the short girl with attitude.”

On her Mirror Mirror audition. I just had this gut feeling that I needed to try one more thing because I wanted it so badly… so I went back in and I knocked on the door, and they let me [audition] again. I’m persistent but not in an annoying way. I’m really determined, and I want to try my best, and once I’ve known I’ve done all I can do, it’s totally fine.

On trying not to laugh at Julia Roberts on-set. I would be in a scene with Julia and she would be saying something mean and I would find myself almost smiling because I was enjoying it so much. Then I’d be like, “Oh fuck, I have to be really upset right now.”

On more active roles for women in Hollywood. I think these roles are acknowledging the fact that there are so many amazing young actresses out there who have the desire to play strong characters. They don’t just want to play the girlfriend or the love interest.



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