Category: Articles

Lily for Shape Magazine

Lily Collins Opens Up About Past Eating Disorders and a New Sense of Body Pride in Shape Magazine

In this exclusive first look at the July-August 2017 issue of Shape magazine, Lily Collins is once again getting candid about her past struggles with eating disorders.

“I never dreamed I’d be posing in a bikini on the cover of Shape. It’s a complete 180 for me. It’s a magazine about what it means to be healthy,” the actress reveals.

“I used to see healthy as this image of what I thought perfect looked like—the perfect muscle definition, etc. But healthy now is how strong I feel. It’s a beautiful change, because if you’re strong and confident, it doesn’t matter what muscles are showing. Today I love my shape. My body is the shape it is because it holds my heart.”
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Lily on Why “To the Bone” Is So Personal to Her

Featured on an article for V Magazine, Lily explains why her new film To the Bone has a personal connection.

Lily Collins on Why Her New Film ‘To the Bone’ Is So Personal to Her

In To the Bone, Lily Collins plays Ellen, a 20-year-old illustrator whose battle with anorexia has brought her to the brink of death. Collins, petite even by Hollywood standards, had to lose serious weight in order to play Ellen. It’s the sort of role that someone who once suffered from an eating disorder, as Collins did, might shy away from. But she embraced the complicated challenge in a healthy way. “[The producers and director] were all female and they were very motherly,” she says. “We worked with a nutritionist, and [the weight loss] was done in a specific, calming, loving way.”

Collins read the script for the film—based on director Marti Noxon’s own struggle with the disorder—in the midst of writing Unfiltered, a book of personal essays. She had just finished a chapter on her eating disorder. “It was like the universe throwing it at me, saying, ‘I think this is something important for you to go through.’” Having overcome her issues, Collins is able to bring a sense of hope to the role. “I had all of the stages there to give to Ellen,” she says. “She doesn’t know how to reach them yet.”

From the very beginning of the film, there’s a steely strength to Ellen. The same can’t be said for other characters at the group home where Ellen is admitted. That’s the reality of addiction: many addicts never recover, but the hope is that movies like this can help. “I would have loved to have seen something like [To the Bone] when I first started having my problems,” says Collins. In the end, Collins lived with the character for the month it took to complete the film. “It was a really long month,” she says. “But how awesome to face a fear head-on like that?”
To the Bone will be released worldwide on Netflix July 14.


Lily on Being Brave Enough to Share Her Story

Lily Collins on Being Brave Enough to Share Her Story

Lily Collins is still able to enjoy relative peace and quiet as she sips mint tea in a West Hollywood hotel café. This over-40 business lunch crowd is preoccupied with deals and salads, but if the place were more populated by young social-media savants, she’d be discreetly (or not) snapped and tagged to no end. To her 5.6-million-and-counting Instagram followers, she’s a glamorous but still candid ingénue, supplying a steady stream of coy selfies highlighting her distinctive ink-black eyebrows.

This March Collins’s fans will get an even more intimate look at her life when she publishes Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me, a collection of personal essays inspired by the confessional stories her Instagram community has shared with her. Encouraged by their bravery, Collins, 27, says she showed a “side of myself that was completely raw” in Unfiltered, hence the title. “I can feel a bit freer because I’m not holding as much in.”

In the film world, where she’s been making great strides since débuting as Sandra Bullock’s daughter in The Blind Side seven years ago, Collins is still on the rise. Growing up adjacent to the spotlight as the daughter of ’80s pop icon Phil Collins, she understands that she’s one of many starlets in a race to the top. She’s inching ever closer: Her turn as a ’50s pageant queen in Warren Beatty’s Rules Don’t Apply snagged her a Golden Globe nomination. Emma Stone (La La Land) took home the award, but Collins won the Instagram battle: The red-carpet video of her spinning in a pink Zuhair Murad gown garnered more than a million views in 24 hours.

Despite Collins’s very-now brand of social-media fame, her appearance is utterly throwback. Her petite frame swimming in a cozy black sweater, Collins conjures images of Audrey Hepburn, whose boyish femininity and sharp wit “changed a lot of people’s perspectives about what it was to be a woman at that time,” she says. Collins isn’t surprised she’s been tapped for homages to Old Hollywood, including the upcoming Amazon series The Last Tycoon, based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1941 novel.

“I’ve always been fascinated with old movie stars and the history of the place that I live in,” Collins says, sweetening her tea with her own bottle of Stevia. “I really love the romanticism and the mystery surrounding the period.”
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Lily Talks Acting, Style, and Overused Emojis

Lily Collins, and More of Hollywood’s Next Generation Talk Acting, Style, and Overused Emojis

They may be fresh on the scene, but the latest batch of Hollywood up-and-comers has a retro edge clearly on display in this time-traveling style portfolio.

Lily Collins

AGE: 27.
HOMETOWN: Guildford, England.
OVERUSED EMOJI: The “vintage” smiley face 🙂
BIG BREAK: The Blind Side.
STYLE ICON: Audrey Hepburn.
PRIZED POSSESSION: One of Audrey Hepburn’s Givenchy hats.
KARAOKE NUMBER: The Spice Girls’ “Wannabe.”
GUILTY PLEASURE: Real Housewives.
NIGHTSTAND READING: The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho.
IRRATIONAL FEAR: Sharks—“even in a swimming pool.”
OVERUSED EMOJI: The “vintage” smiley face 🙂
WORDS TO LIVE BY:“The quirky things that make you different are what make you beautiful.” ROLE MODEL: “My mom.”
UP NEXT: Warren Beatty’s Rules Don’t Apply.
Photograph by Tom Munro. Styled by Jessica Diehl.

People’s 2012 World’s Most Beautiful Woman

Looking fabulous without any make up, Lily is featured in People Magazine’s 2012 World’s Most Beautiful Woman. The issue will hit newsstand this Friday! Be sure to check the full outtake out in our gallery as Lily looks utterly stunning! The behind the scenes video of the photoshoot can be watched right here.

Photoshoots > 2012 > People

With her ethereal good looks, singer Phil Collins’s daughter was the obvious choice to play Snow White in Mirror Mirror, opposite Julia Roberts. But the budding actress, 23, didn’t always appreciate her unique features. “It used to bother me – having bigger, fuller brows,” she told Seventeen. “Now I embrace them. I’ve realized the quirky things that make you different are what make you beautiful.”
